heartbeat unterstützt die Pflege und Versorgung an Menschen in der Ukraine, die aufgrund von Behinderung oder Krankheit ihr Haus nicht verlassen können
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Revision is necessary TOPẼ TỸ ẼG MRÉ VĨ VÉN’, „God adressing us for the first time“, this headline is the working version of the Old...
"By the means of scholarships for education and training we support people who are able to pass on their acquired knowledge to society." Using...
We supply food With the collaboration of the protestant churches in Kwajok (South Sudan) and in the Kivu Region (DRC), we are able to supply basic...
heartbeat is the sponsorship program of Marburg Mission, which has been working for children with disabilities since November 2009. This happens...
The Christian German School Chiang Mai (CDSC) was founded in 1994 by Marburg Mission in cooperation with the German Embassy Bangkok. Our students...
What was the first thing the wise men from the east did when they saw Jesus? Exactly! They fell on their knees and prayed to Jesus and then they gave ...
Schüler-Wohnheim für die Kinder des Eastern Lawa Volkes Die Eastern Lawa gehören zu den kleineren Bergvölkern Nordthailands. Ungefähr 8.000...
Rom Phrakhun (Schirm der Gnade Gottes) ist der Name des Patenschaftsprogramms für Kinder und Jugendliche der Eastern Lawa in Thailand. Warum...